What i am searching in women?
I am searching a part of my mother in her
I am searching part of my sister in her
I am searching part of my best friend in her
I am searching part of my feminine in her
I am searching my missing part in her
I always wonder what a man seeks in women
I seek neither hunger nor thirst in her body
Nor i seek for her conquered soul
Someway i am attached to her
But i don't wish she would be confined in her Gender role
My poems
My Anecdote and stories
All those glittering words
May decorate her body
But how can she cover the nakedness of her soul
with my interlocked words soaked in the ocean's
of this judgmental world?
She is often compared with Art
But how long she would be happy being their part?
Shows are for sometime
When the light fades
and Curtains are closed
They are alone with their shadows
And Tragic make-up magic
Imposed upon their body
Heavy and saggy
Masked beauty
A words of Praise only bestow for sometimes
As the oil of selfish world gets emptied
in the lamp
In no longer illuminates the path of the sacred soul
And the women
Has to travel alone in the darkness
When her pollen is snatched
Eggs are hatched
Then her heart is scratched
convincingly patched
In women i seek nothing
sometime she seems like a void
And sometimes a vast universe
Suspended in the mind of every man
Her body may be the shape of constellations or clouds
Where we see our own Imagination
Women are facts
Nor fiction
Nor fantasy
I don't know what they simply feel about themselves
May be women are not their
Own written history
Her own written history
- Frain Chakrit